~*Jelika Stoopid Site*~

Home | THE POOPIE LIST!!.LOL | *PiCz Of Me* | Pics Of Me 2 | *SuM ShIt AbOut Me* | ~*!*~PiCz Of HoMiEz~*!*~ | %My EmAiL AnD ScReEn NaMe AddY'z% | *~SuM ShOuT OuTz~* | ..**Poem's And Quotes**.. | *OTHER CUTE PICS* | *Other Pictures Page 2* | ^+^OtHeR PiCz^+^ | Cute Famous People | |!|SOME OF MY ICONS I CREATED OR REMADE|!| | »|M|O|R|E|&|M|O|R|E|-|I|C|O|N|S|»

%My EmAiL AnD ScReEn NaMe AddY'z%

These Are My Screen names .. And Emails.. So... Uhm .. Yah..
\m/(o.O)\m/ ChAaW!!


uh my email addy to msn is..~> Sweet_latina_angelica01@hotmail.com
My email addy to Yahoo is ~> Wicked_bytch666@yahoo.com
My Email addy To Aol Is ~> x666xjelikax666x@aol.com


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