~*Jelika Stoopid Site*~

*~SuM ShOuT OuTz~*

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   ^*w00t w00t*^


*Jecka- Wud up dood.. ah.. member that day where u uhm... u stayed home from school.. and u watched porn with my mom.. AHAHAHA!! well yeah... whenever u want to stay home from school.. just let me kno.. *wink wink..* i will either call n fo joo..w00t w00t..Oh And By The Way Jecka.. NEXT time u lay down in front of me or something..Make sure u Blow Ur NOse.. Because i dont want any Flying Boogerz Flying On Me FoRhead M8..AHAHA.. i still remember.. *cough Cough*..And Make sure next time ur in a store.. Beware of Us Evil People.. Caz we will pull ur pants down again in front of everybody!!MUAHAHA..uhmm..JECKA HAS A CRUSH ON ME GRAMPZ..LMAO SICKOOOOO**And Stay Away from me catz.. i dun want u lickin dem Ballz..LMAOO!!EUWW .. Oh and BLOODY MURDERRRR!!!!...AND i made jecka stole a vaccume cleaner from goodwill donatoons..AHAHAH.. i made jecka look like she a poor ass messikan that had to go to goodwill to get her house supplies coz she couldnt afford brandnew one..*haha j/k.. Oh and dont forget.. Goodwill nights are Every sunday night.. muahaha..LMAOOO.... btw.. jecka is a pornaddict..o.O..OOOOHH and like a long time ago.. we had lots of fun at ur old house.. caz we use to take off with ur moms jeep in  the middle of the night to go cruzing.. ahaha.. and we got stranded at the sk8 park caz the car wouldnt start.. until I...(jelika) figured out the problem .. and jeckas dumbass didnt have the thing in park.. she still had it in drive!! AHAHA..And we did sum drive by shooting with a cap gun..LMAOOOO.. uhmm wat else..Oh and... at wally world.. u gettn on da intercom phone that only WORKERS are suposo to use.. but jeckas stupid ass got on it and did ...UUUUUUHHHHHAAAHHHHHHHHH.. on it.. LMAOOOO

*Rachel- Yo Wad Up Chic.. dood i miss ya and u need to make like another trip back here ..lol.. so we can prank more people..haha..'Do u like chips and salsa', Blue Punch Buggie!!.. but yeah.. Take it Easy.. and take care..

*Alley- hey gurl..i just wanna say that u need to take it easy and take it slow.. we both been threw lots of shit and we are like depressed but we gun get threw it dont worrie.. and ur going to be just fine..i still love ya

*Mandy- hey there dood.. lol ah we dont really know each other very well but to me ur a cool person ta talk to.. i think ur funny.. but yeah.. whenever u get back on just hit me up and we could talk..

*Matt- Ey Dood..uhm.. lets see.. i think ur a fun cool person to hang out with and chill.. even if ur not with jamie.. but yeah..i still cant get over where u pranked wally world and asked em bout the super absorbent tampons..haha.. but yeah.. Take care Nikka..

*Noel- Hey Foo.. wad up.. eh.. im glad that i met ya and shit.. caz ur a cool person.. and even tho we kinda got mad at each other for a while.. but im glad that we are talking again.. uhm.. whenever u have free time or wateve maybe u and me and bea could like hang out or do something some time..but anyway..Take care..

*Maria- oh gah i dont even kno where to start with u.. theres so much to like say about u.. but im just going to say a few things.. haha.. LLL.. But yeah.. i think ur like a Awesome, Kick ass person ey.. ur hella funny and u make me laugh..AND THEN.. uhm.. no and then.. but yeah.. Take Care..And dont forget every time a song skips.. make sure u say.."REeEemixx.."HAHA..

*Molly- Hey chic.. i dont kno if ur going to see this or ever talk to me again but i hope i get to talk to u sooner or later .. caz i miss u like crazy.. and u need to bring ur ass back ..haha.. but yeah.. i hope ur doing ok..caz i have been worried bout u alot... but yeah.. anyway.. Just take care of ur self ok..*hugz*

*Kylie- Hey there sis.. hows it going.. good i hope.. uhm i hope u and steph are doing good.. and uhm if i found a job sooner so i could come down to texas and see u and steph.. caz that would of been kick ass..but yeah..take care of yo self and ur ladie..:D.. love ya sis..

*Steph- Hey there girl.. how ya doin.. well i just wanna say that i enjoyed talkin to u about my problems cause u really listened to me and helped me alot.. and thanks that that ey... and if i have ne more problems or something i kno who to come to.. U...haha.. well take care of your self  and ur ladie kylie.. Love ya